The Lifted Lady

Posted by Keisha Mitchell On Sept - 14 - 2009

It is amazing to me how several of the most coveted positions (in the church and in the secular world) appear, from the outside view, to carry great grandeur and few tribulations. However, this is a great misconception. Many desire to carry the titles of honor, but they truly do not understand the reality of the burden that comes with these positions.

Removing The Clutter

Posted by Paulette Harper On Sept - 14 - 2009

Do you have a closet that no one is allowed to open? I wonder why not. Is it full of junk and you keep telling yourself you are going to use one day? Just like cleaning out the closet, at times we need to do a spiritual and emotional cleaning.

Don't Stop The Love

Posted by Tanya White On Sept - 14 - 2009

Have you noticed that now that Valentine’s Day is history you have made being in and demonstrating love a mystery? Your unexpected kisses have been kicked to the curve. The peace has passed away. Your loving words of encouragement and compassion have quickly crept away like a thief in the night.

God Has The Final Say

Posted by Tonya Blount June - 1 - 2009

After years of emotional, physical, and verbal abuse, I finally ended my marriage. My exodus wasn’t planned. After a vicious beating that led to my arrest (at my former husband insistence), I prayed to God and heard an audible voice that asked, “Are you ready to Leave the Wilderness?” Several days later, I packed up my children and left. I had no plan and nowhere to go. We were immediately homeless...

Flawless Every Time

Posted by Elizabeth Hamilton On Sept - 14 - 2009

Every stiletto has her secrets to her own personal style. These coveted secrets cannot be gleaned from the glossy magazines at the checkout stands in the grocery store or the latest best-selling guide to style.

Managing The Stress In Our Temples

Posted by Patricia Bridewell On Sept - 14 - 2009

Have you ever had those days when you just wanted to throw your hands in the air and give up? I know the feeling because I have rough days, too. The burden of stress falls on all of us and although it can be challenging, it is something we must all face. I would like to share some faith-based information and stress management techniques that I hope will help you cope with the stress in your lives.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Lily in May on my radio show Sistah Confessions. She enlightened us on God's faithfulness and the ability to forgives those, even when we feel they don't deserve it. Click here to listen to her confession exclusively given to FFS!

FFS: We were able to discuss quite a bit during our audio interview. What was one thing you wanted to say to our listeners, but did not have a chance?

I have a recent children’s book that has hit the market back in March of this year entitled The Last Shall Be First: An Act of Forgiveness. It is the first in a series of six books that is a modern day Fat Albert of sorts. This first book is about a little boy named Caleb. During one of Ms Frazier’s fifth grade bible lessons on forgiveness at Noah's Christian Academy, Caleb daydreams about his being constantly bullied by the school’s gang, who teases him after learning of his less than perfect living arrangements within a foster home. Even as well-kept as the home might be, it doesn't keep him away from those who refuse to see him as he really is. One day after being beat up by his aggressors, Leander and Marcus, Caleb decides to focus his attention towards keeping his grades in check while helping his favorite teacher with school chores and activities to get his mind off of the negativity these bullies bring to him and everyone around them. One day when the school's computer lab gets vandalized, it is now a test of character and forgiveness that Caleb must pass in order to see himself as a winner and first amongst him peers. But will his determination to succeed in school overshadow his willingness to forgive those who have despitefully used and abused him?

FFS: When people go through the difficulties of life, it becomes hard to recognize God’s love. How would you minister to someone who is in this situation?

I’m always reminded of the scripture, in Hebrews 12:1-2 which says, “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset [us], and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of [our] faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Yes we all go through trials and tribulations. But the Lord wants us to quit worrying about them and cast it over to Him. Let Him fight your battles. For He sees the ending from the beginning! Because we are Kingdom Citizens, we can now be rest assured that we will get through our circumstances with flying colors. You don’t have to worry about your next meal or how your bills are going to be paid. The Lord sees your need, and will always provide for us, heal our sicknesses and diseases, and give us beauty for ashes! Hallelujah!

FFS: Tell us about your company Every Thing That’s Lily.

Everything That’s Lily, LLC was established December 12, 2007, after the publication of my book, The Life of a Lily. Generally an online book and inspirational jewelry business, it recently added a home party flair to it after the initial success of hand to hand transactions throughout the Atlanta area. Everything That’s Lily, LLC was formed to recognize all of the things that the owner, Lily, finds as favorites. Not only does the business offer the owner’s new book, The Life of a Lily, but also inspirational jewelry: bracelets, bookmarks, necklace and earring sets, watches, and key chains. We bring literature and style with the word of God together to create a sense of fashion for everyone who loves jewelry, but also doesn’t mind being reminded of the goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ! Let Lily’s personal favorites now be yours!

FFS: What are some keys to entrepreneurship a person must consider before beginning their venture?

First, you definitely should do your research. You want to be a visionary and stand out above the rest. Make sure what you want to sell or make a name for yourself is unique and targeted to the right audience. A well thought out business plan would work well here. Secondly, seek all of the ways to open your business, a. a great business name, b. whether you want sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or a limited liability company, c. seek bids for the business equipment, or products you may need. Don’t take the first thing that comes in your mailbox and think that it is a deal. Don’t be taken advantage of. Next, seek a good accountant to help you keep your business in check (help dot all I’s, cross all T’s). Finally pray. Seek God over everything pertaining to your business. Test the spirit by the spirit. If it’s not of God, don’t do it. In everything, make sure you are using your hands for the glory of God!

FFS: You have many projects planned for the future, with the most recent being featured in an anthology edited by Vanessa Miller. Tell us about your story and the experience behind it?

The story is called, “The Breakthrough”. It takes the scripture verse, Jeremiah 33:3, and chronicles the many facets of God’s glory through my childhood experiences and all of the trials and tribulations that I faced, and showed me how all of those situations were needed for my ultimate breakthrough to come forth. So many times we ask the question, “Why me?” not realizing “Why not you?” says the Lord. It takes going through the fire, to come to a place in Him where in you look back and smile and see just how far God has brought you from. This story is much different from my memoir, The Life of a Lily, because it gives an account to my present day reality of being in Atlanta, GA, and how I, now as an entrepreneur, have gained favor over man and God’s glory has truly been revealed within my business, Everything That’s Lily. It’s for all of those people who have wanted to start a business, but just don’t know how-and what to seek God for to make it happen for them. It’s a story you definitely do not want to miss!

FFS: Michelle McKinney Hammond is your favorite author. What about her inspires you?

When I was going through a terrible time in my life, I was truly on the brink of going out of my mind. I had no one to turn to; no help on either side, and needed something or someone to reach out to. I will admit, I was like so many other people in life that have been at a crossroads in life, that knew there was a God, and knew how to call on Him, but because of being spiritually blind to it, you end up seeking out things in the natural what should have been seeked spiritually. So while in a Christian bookstore one day, I ran across an author I had never heard before, Michelle McKinney-Hammond. The title of the book was Get a Love Life. This book truly changed my life. It helped me to see how God ultimately saw me. She showed her readers how to come back to their first love, Jesus, and learn to fall in love with Him, who is indeed the ultimate Husband. Jesus really knows how to do you right! Whew! J But from that point on, I had to read all of her books. Every one of them pruned me, shaped me and helped me to define my true worth as not only a woman, but a Woman of God. For that, I thank you Michelle!

FFS: If you could write a book with Michelle what would it be about and why?

I would love to work with Michelle in writing a focused book on single and/or working mothers to provide encouragement to all of those who have felt that because of their pasts, and the overwhelming responsibilities that have come with it, that they would never be able to obtain their goals, dreams, and desires, as powerful women of God. We (Michelle and I) could use the Word of God, showing examples of powerful women who were able to do it all despite the obstacles that were in front of them, and ultimately became victorious through God.

FFS: A woman’s shoes say a lot about her. What does your favorite pair say about you?

I’m so glad you asked! I am a lover of stilettos! I have quite an assortment of them in my closet. But the one pair that I love the most, is my Nine West Gisellan in reptile print. It’s classy, graceful, with a little spunk! I can say it better this way-- When you hear the name Lily, it represents all that I stand for: uncompromising, powerful, plethora of resources and abilities, standing tall, weathers every storm, but loves life, and the road not taken. When Lily steps into a room, all take notice, not because of her size, or the clothes that she’s wears, but because of the silent grace that she carries with her. It’s mysterious, and one that people want to get to know.

FFS: Love your answer to the shoe question. Sassy and spoken like a Faith Filled Stilettos. I actually had 1 more question I guess for me. I noticed that before you had longer hair and now it is short (which I love by the way). Was that a decision for image purposes or a statement that Lily has evolved?

At the time of taking the pic, I had just moved to Atlanta, my book was being released, and I wanted to sass it up a bit. Before I had cut it short and had the majority of my hair in blond highlights. So this move was definitely for statement purposes. Now my hair has grown out more into a bob and I am still contemplating re-cutting it. I have been really fighting with myself on a new hair style. What do you think everyone? Another short cut, or bobbed to the shoulder? Would love to have your comments!

To learn more about Lily or to help her decide on her hairstyle, please visit her official website I'm reading: How Lily Ratliff Blossomed After The RainTweet this!

2 Response to "How Lily Ratliff Blossomed After The Rain"

  1. Hey Lily! I am so proud of you. You are one of the greatest blessings to the body of Christ and favor is all over you. Now quit playing and cut your hair and I'll re-cut mine too!! We both went long!! LOL Love you girl!


  2. Terri Said,

    You are a true inspiration and this book has renewed my faith in the Lord. Thank you.


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