The Lifted Lady

Posted by Keisha Mitchell On Sept - 14 - 2009

It is amazing to me how several of the most coveted positions (in the church and in the secular world) appear, from the outside view, to carry great grandeur and few tribulations. However, this is a great misconception. Many desire to carry the titles of honor, but they truly do not understand the reality of the burden that comes with these positions.

Removing The Clutter

Posted by Paulette Harper On Sept - 14 - 2009

Do you have a closet that no one is allowed to open? I wonder why not. Is it full of junk and you keep telling yourself you are going to use one day? Just like cleaning out the closet, at times we need to do a spiritual and emotional cleaning.

Don't Stop The Love

Posted by Tanya White On Sept - 14 - 2009

Have you noticed that now that Valentine’s Day is history you have made being in and demonstrating love a mystery? Your unexpected kisses have been kicked to the curve. The peace has passed away. Your loving words of encouragement and compassion have quickly crept away like a thief in the night.

God Has The Final Say

Posted by Tonya Blount June - 1 - 2009

After years of emotional, physical, and verbal abuse, I finally ended my marriage. My exodus wasn’t planned. After a vicious beating that led to my arrest (at my former husband insistence), I prayed to God and heard an audible voice that asked, “Are you ready to Leave the Wilderness?” Several days later, I packed up my children and left. I had no plan and nowhere to go. We were immediately homeless...

Flawless Every Time

Posted by Elizabeth Hamilton On Sept - 14 - 2009

Every stiletto has her secrets to her own personal style. These coveted secrets cannot be gleaned from the glossy magazines at the checkout stands in the grocery store or the latest best-selling guide to style.

Managing The Stress In Our Temples

Posted by Patricia Bridewell On Sept - 14 - 2009

Have you ever had those days when you just wanted to throw your hands in the air and give up? I know the feeling because I have rough days, too. The burden of stress falls on all of us and although it can be challenging, it is something we must all face. I would like to share some faith-based information and stress management techniques that I hope will help you cope with the stress in your lives.

**The statement released from Cross Movement Records**

Dear Body of Christ,

It is with much grief, severe disappointment and an overwhelming fear of the Lord that Cross Movement Records is sad to announce that we will be discontinuing the forwarding and promotion of the Artist and Minister, The Ambassador AKA William “Duce” Branch, due to recent findings of moral failure in his marriage. It is CMR’s past, current and prayerfully, future position that living in moral compromise is unacceptable and never allowable in the lives of any of the ministers that we co-labor with. We continue to hold up the teachings of Christ as the standard for all Christians and especially those in Christian leadership and public ministry. Although it is a rare find these days, discipline is still one of the true marks of the true Church.

That being said, we also know according to Hebrews 12:6 that “whom The Lord loves He disciplines.” So we know that our beloved brother Duce is under the Lord’s loving care (Hebrews 12:5-11). We at CMR solicit your prayers for him as he begins the uphill climb of restoration through the process of repentance. We also ask that you remember his wife and children in your quiet time with our Lord as well. We are reminded by Galatians 6:1, that we are to work toward the restoration of our dear brother in due season and also to do such in the spirit of meekness, considering ourselves lest we also be tempted.

Lastly, some that have had this circumstance announced to them through other sources have begun to suggest some type of cover-up or a sweeping under the carpet by CMR because of a slight delay in this statement versus the announcement that has already happened in William Branch’s church. This is the farthest thing from the truth. This matter was unbeknownst to CMR and upon discovery we have taken the proper time to speak with the Lord, The Ambassador, his church leadership and many other Christian leaders regarding this issue. After seeking wisdom and allowing the appropriate amount of time to make sure we had all the issues in full consideration, we have come forward as quickly as we were able to after completing this process.

In conclusion, we apologize for the effect that this may have on many who have followed and supported The Ambassador, Cross Movement and Cross Movement Records for many years. Despite this unfortunate occurrence, CMR and all of its artist/ministers continue committed, our resolve unaffected, with the mission of making the message of the Cross known to the world. Again, we ask for your prayers as we keep our hands to the plow, heal our wounded and worship the God of our Salvation. We remain Christ’s and your servant.

John Wells
Cross Movement Records/ Issachar Media
Source: CMR Website

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3 Response to "CMR's Ambassador's Statement"

  1. It saddens my heart as a member of the Body of Christ to see such Un- Christ like behavior. Before Jesus left, He proclaimed, "greater works shall ye do". This declaration was not limited to miracles or great works but it included the seat of compassion in which Jesus' ministry was carried out from. Much like a judge, Jesus rulings were made from this seat. The lady with an issue of blood received her ruling from this seat. By law she should have been stoned to death. She was unclean and to think she touched Jesus. The woman at the well who was a whore or whores was judge from this seat. The gentile woman, who was labled a dog, was judged from this seat. Saul converted to Paul was judged from this seat even after Jesus had left the earth. Go back in time before Jesus hit the scene. David, our beloved psalmist... you guessed it, judged by God from a seat of compassion. Let me jump to the other side ofthe scope. Be care ful of your testimony because the devil will try it. The word Issachar means redemption and recompense. The movement of the cross was one of redemption, recompense, restoration, and FORGIVENESS. Instances such as this presents the Body of Christ as a man walking around with open sores that bleed having no one to apply the balm. The body is open for more and more dis-ease. The bible tells us the same measure by which you measure a man, the same shall be met unto you. If you scale the elements I have laid before you and those so eloquently laid out in the statement from Cross Movement's John Wells, you will find that they don't add up. My question is, What if God had stopped David's music career?


  2. Dream 4 More Said,

    Wow, so what did he do...commit adultery? Yes, I agree with the first statement--look at David. He was a man after God's heart, regardless of his adulterous affair, murderous act, and kingdom in disarray...but still was a man of God. God did not shut him out. I really looked up to the works of Cross Movement and Ambassador. I have his first CD project solo too. This is how the music industry is even Christian-like people.


  3. Tifany Said,

    You both make great statements. @ Adrienna, does this news make you question his music now? I guess I'm wondering if the message in his music is now lost because of his actions? I don't excuse what he did. I just think that since so much is left up to speculation that CMR should not have issued an open statement. That is how rumors start. There was actually one that said Ambassador left CMR because he wanted to go secular. I guess we will never know the entire story, but I hope the brotherhood, love, and unity CMR represents is still given to Ambassador. At the end of the day he still needs the love of God.


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