The Lifted Lady

Posted by Keisha Mitchell On Sept - 14 - 2009

It is amazing to me how several of the most coveted positions (in the church and in the secular world) appear, from the outside view, to carry great grandeur and few tribulations. However, this is a great misconception. Many desire to carry the titles of honor, but they truly do not understand the reality of the burden that comes with these positions.

Removing The Clutter

Posted by Paulette Harper On Sept - 14 - 2009

Do you have a closet that no one is allowed to open? I wonder why not. Is it full of junk and you keep telling yourself you are going to use one day? Just like cleaning out the closet, at times we need to do a spiritual and emotional cleaning.

Don't Stop The Love

Posted by Tanya White On Sept - 14 - 2009

Have you noticed that now that Valentine’s Day is history you have made being in and demonstrating love a mystery? Your unexpected kisses have been kicked to the curve. The peace has passed away. Your loving words of encouragement and compassion have quickly crept away like a thief in the night.

God Has The Final Say

Posted by Tonya Blount June - 1 - 2009

After years of emotional, physical, and verbal abuse, I finally ended my marriage. My exodus wasn’t planned. After a vicious beating that led to my arrest (at my former husband insistence), I prayed to God and heard an audible voice that asked, “Are you ready to Leave the Wilderness?” Several days later, I packed up my children and left. I had no plan and nowhere to go. We were immediately homeless...

Flawless Every Time

Posted by Elizabeth Hamilton On Sept - 14 - 2009

Every stiletto has her secrets to her own personal style. These coveted secrets cannot be gleaned from the glossy magazines at the checkout stands in the grocery store or the latest best-selling guide to style.

Managing The Stress In Our Temples

Posted by Patricia Bridewell On Sept - 14 - 2009

Have you ever had those days when you just wanted to throw your hands in the air and give up? I know the feeling because I have rough days, too. The burden of stress falls on all of us and although it can be challenging, it is something we must all face. I would like to share some faith-based information and stress management techniques that I hope will help you cope with the stress in your lives.

...Eight in 10 pastors' wives say they feel unappreciated or unaccepted by their husbands' congregations, according to surveys by the Global Pastors Wives Network (GPWN); the same number wish their husbands would choose another profession. "Wives' issues" is the No. 1 reason pastors leave their ministries. The divorce rate among ministers and their wives is 50%, no better than that of the general public.

With no place to vent, let their hair down, or just cry in the comfort of someone who will not judge them, the life of a pastor's wife is not easy and often misunderstood. All too often they are expected to live a life of perfection, and when the family faulters the weight is now on her shoulders to keep it lifted up.

After recently reading an article about the state of pastor's wives across the country in Time magazine, I felt compelled to share this issue with our readers. The question that followed was how? Just one day later God sent the answer and her name is Keisha Mitchell, First Lady of Resurrection Life Christian Center in Richmond, VA.

Whether addressed as the pastor's wife, First Lady, or pastor, Keisha and I hope to bring women in ministry a place to be free to express themselves without fear of reprisal or judgement. We want them to know that we understand the position they are in and our desire is to provide the support they need. Some of you just need an ear to hear. We are here for you.

Help me welcome Keisha to FFS and be on the lookout for her articles that will heal and inspire change.

Keisha Mitchell is a woman with a heart that loves God. She is a native of Orlando, Florida, but resides in Richmond, Virginia with her family. She is a graduate of the University of South Florida. She is passionate about writing and teaching and is an adjunct professor at the community college level and a career coach. She accepted the Lord into her life as a child, but strayed away from God during her early college years. But through a divine act of destiny, she joined the college gospel choir. There she met a group of young people that sincerely loved the Lord, including her future husband. This 19-year-old minister introduced her to true worship, fervent praise, intimacy with God, and a life of holiness. That was the turning point in her life. She decided to follow his example and completely gave her heart to the Lord. She was filled with the Holy Spirit and her life changed forever. She embarked on a journey that allowed her to serve in the capacity of a church administrative assistant, a praise leader, and several other ministry areas. She was married to Pastor Nathan Mitchell in 1998.

She is still serving diligently beside him in ministry at the Resurrection Life Christian Center in Richmond, VA where he is the senior pastor and founder. She is the mother of two miracles (Emmanuel Jubal and Destiny Moriah) and she cares for her family with the love of Christ. She is an intricate and detailed teacher of the Word of God and she loves to worship.

The most miraculous part of her testimony is God’s healing and restoring power. She discovered that she was pregnant, only to have that joy overshadowed by the diagnosis of a rare form of cancer in 2008. Through God’s healing power and love, and the support of her friends and family she is being restored daily and beyond belief. She is a testament of God’s power and serves Him wholeheartedly. Her story is inspiring, but more than that, her triumph through God’s love is encouraging and simply incredible.

To learn more about Keisha and Resurrection Life Christian Center, please visit

Quote source: Time Magazine

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14 Response to "The Heart Of A Lady"

  1. Anonymous Said,

    Excellent article. I look forward to reading your upcoming articles.


  2. Anonymous Said,

    There are so many women struggling with different issues. As a 1st lady, there have been many experiences that have come into the ministry that have brought many challenges. I bless this work and look forward to reading your segments.


  3. Unknown Said,

    I am so proud of you Lady and all that you are stepping into. This is just the beginning of what God is going to do with you. You have my constant support and I pray the favor of God on you, as well as, continuous revelation to impart into the lives of hurting women.

    I love you dearly,
    Your husband...

    Pastor Nate Mitchell


  4. Anonymous Said,

    Keisha! As I told you before, I am so very proud of you! To God be the glory for this magnificent work He has just for you. Continue to let that beautiful light shine! You have our support, love and prayers in Tampa, FL! Love & Blessings!

    Layesha Walton


  5. Sister Tasha Said,

    First lady,You are a true blessing for others.when the blessing of the lord is upon your life there is nobody or nothing can hinder you...WHAT GOD HAS FOR YOU IS FOR YOU!And remember to stay guys will forever be in my from Orlando,Fl


  6. Lady Mitchell, I bid you God's speed as you go forth in the ministry that God has ordained just for you. May the words you speak be the healing salve needed for every woman of God who reads and hear. Make no apologies it is your time and season...Love from your sis, Shalita Parks


  7. Anonymous Said,

    My Dear Sister,

    Lowrie Avenue seems so many moons ago, but even then I always knew great things were in store for you. God's favor has always been with you and you will be a help and an inspiration to ALL people. Please know that I am so incredibly proud of you and that I'm forever blessed to have had a friend and sister like you.

    Love always,



  8. Anonymous Said,

    first lady,
    words can not express how we need this right now, at this time in our lives. there is so much happening in the world. too many to name. but the one thing women need to realize as women, we need one another. it's time to put away fear, he said, she said, attitudes, and yes pride. god has imparted this in you for a reason. i bless you as you go forth at this appointed time and impart into the lives of women around the world!!!!! Go Forth First Lady!


  9. Anonymous Said,

    First Lady,

    I am so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. I know that being a first lady is not easy for you but you have a resilience that surpasses any obstacle that comes towards you. May your ministry come through 100x fold.

    Love your lil sis


  10. Anonymous Said,

    I am outdone by your strength and perseverance. The word has always been rich in your mouth and we look forward to what is getting ready to unfold in your ministry.


  11. Keisha Said,

    GOd bless all of you and thank you for the wonderful comments! I am humbled and touched all at the same time. I am going to try to make you all proud and most of all to represent my heavenly father in the best possible light. Thanks again, and here's to destiny fulfilled!


  12. Anonymous Said,

    I look forward to more, soon!


  13. My heart is so glad for you Keisha! As I was reading the email you sent about the article all I could think of was "opportunity". I believe that with great opportunities, comes great blessings. God is opening doors for you to be a blessing to so many others. I look forward to seeing how he will use you through the words you share in your articles. You know you have my full support! May God bless you as you fulfill His call on your life. Love ya' loads! -Audrey-


  14. Kelli Said,

    U know me...very brief, but sincere. I'm extremely proud and excited to see what God is doing for and through you (from healing to open doors)! I love you and look forward to reading what He has placed on your heart to share!



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